Wendy Williams
As a nurse, what is your perspective of the Wendy William's situation? Apparently she is in a guardianship and in a memory care unit after being diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. It's been blowing up on the socials because she seems pretty lucid and appropriate when she speaks with the media so people think she is being taken advantage of.
My theory is that she probably sundowns like a mf'er. How many patients have you had where they seem perfectly fine during the day but become another person when the sun starts to set? I know I've had too many to count.
She says that no one tells her what medication she's taking or what it does which I highly doubt any nurse would do. That leads me to believe she has a memory problem. Like when a patient claims you haven't checked on them all day when you did at least once an hour.
I don't think a medical professional would diagnose her with something she doesn't have and admit her to a memory care unit without a true need.