What are your favourite small ways your managers/ANMs/charges makes your unit more enjoyable?

Looking for fun activities, giveaways, voting for caregivers, anything that engages staff, makes people feel appreciated and brings your team together.

Pot luck’s don’t work on my unit (I’ve tried), but I’ve done some more organized food nights with some success. Organized a Christmas countdown giveaway.

Looking for more ways to engage my staff that aren’t too expensive and don’t require too much work or buy in from staff.

Maybe like a caregiver of the night nomination, everyone nominate someone that had a rough night and rocked it or someone who helped you out, and one person gets a prize at the end of the shift. (We already have a larger caregiver of the month but it’s… not very successful…) Or maybe like a quiz game with prizes. Share things your leaders or you as a leader have down that showed your unit they are important.

Thank you!

Edit: for reference I’m night shift, ANM (newer ANM trying to improve moral)