Dismissed from nursing program
Hey there someone please ease my mind. I got dismissed over a year ago from a bachelor program for giving IV morphine with my nurse. I was told by her it was ok and she pressured me to do it so I did it and faced the consequences after someone found out. Patient was fine. Now I’m in an LVN program 3 months from graduating. I’m worried that the dismissal on my previous transcripts will affect me being able to take the nclex and obtain my license. Someone guide me on the right mindset here, I’ve worked so hard for this
Edit: thankyou guys so much for the clarity. I’ve dedicated my life to this and I just had to know. Yall are right, I always tell my friends I’m gonna write a book calle PTND (post traumatic nursing disorder) lol. My experience has been awful and is probably comparable to military school. They take this shit wayyyy to far sometimes