I want to leave nursing
I want to leave nursing. I have been in nursing my entire adult life, I did an LPN program while in high school and then almost 4 years ago graduated with my BSN thinking I’d like it better as an RN than an LPN. I’m now 28 and I hate nursing, despite me being really good at what I do I just don’t find joy in it; only stress despite loads of therapy, yoga, and any other coping mechanism and medications. In the last 4 years I have had so many jobs, I try a different avenue for atleast 6 months and try something else to see if I’d like that instead, however, I’m finding myself thinking “ok how can I tolerate this the longest”. I don’t think nursing is good for my mental health and I really want a career change. Has anyone else been in my boat? Any advice on something I could do with my degree that isn’t nursing? Thanks for listening.