Pursuing an NP degree but being uncomfortable with dealing with genitals..
EDIT: I’m aware that np’s have this as a normal thing and if I want to be an np then I will have to get used to it. This has made me think about my current career path and I’m leaning more towards sonography or radiology. Thanks to everyone for your replies even if this seemed like a stupid question 😅
I’m a senior in high school (F), so I feel this may be a common thing with kids my age, but I never have or never do want to deal with other people’s genitals. I am planning on going to college to be some kind of nurse practitioner, maybe women’s health, but the only part that’s kind of iffy to me (about any kind of nurse practitioner specialty position) is having to deal with that.
I know that after a while nurses get trained to make dealing with it become second nature, I just don’t see many people talk about that side of becoming a nurse and how they overcome the uncomfortableness. Any thoughts regarding this are greatly welcome, thanks.
(I wasn’t sure if this was considered NSFW or not but better be safe than sorry)