I hate that other countries seem to shit on Americans too in this time

This is just one of many comments I constantly see about other countries talking about Americans. And it’s SOOOOO frustrating

Like you don’t think we’re tired??? We can protests all tf we want but that’s not gonna get that criminal out of office. It’s SUPPOSED to be about what we the people want, but unfortunately, more than 50% of America’s voted for this and others have to suffer!

Yes we’re asking “what are we supposed to do” bc you seem to know SOOOOO much right?? You’re complaining that Americans aren’t doing anything so pls! Enlightened us. What should we do since your know our predicament better than we do.

People ARE boycotting Walmart, Target, Tesla but that’s not enough to get that criminal off of office, but ppl are still trying.

We already feel hopeless enough with congress seeming to blindly clap at anything he says, and now I feel even more hopeless at all the non-Americans feeling bold enough to crap on us in this time. Like damn aren’t we going through enough???

And I get Canadians, Mexicans, and Chinese people on here. I get their anger bc the criminal started a terror war and putting your countries in danger. So I’m not saying they don’t have the right to be mad. But stop shitting on the Americans that DIDNT vote for him (not the non voters. The blue voters) and are suffering under this.

Sry for the long rant. I just had to get this off my chest in a space that is welcoming.

This is just one of many comments I constantly see about other countries talking about Americans. And it’s SOOOOO frustrating

Like you don’t think we’re tired??? We can protests all tf we want but that’s not gonna get that criminal out of office. It’s SUPPOSED to be about what we the people want, but unfortunately, more than 50% of America’s voted for this and others have to suffer!

Yes we’re asking “what are we supposed to do” bc you seem to know SOOOOO much right?? You’re complaining that Americans aren’t doing anything so pls! Enlightened us. What should we do since your know our predicament better than we do.

People ARE boycotting Walmart, Target, Tesla but that’s not enough to get that criminal off of office, but ppl are still trying.

We already feel hopeless enough with congress seeming to blindly clap at anything he says, and now I feel even more hopeless at all the non-Americans feeling bold enough to crap on us in this time. Like damn aren’t we going through enough???

And I get Canadians, Mexicans, and Chinese people on here. I get their anger bc the criminal started a terror war and putting your countries in danger. So I’m not saying they don’t have the right to be mad. But stop shitting on the Americans that DIDNT vote for him (not the non voters. The blue voters) and are suffering under this.

Sry for the long rant. I just had to get this off my chest in a space that is welcoming.