I have over 7 thousand songs in my Spotify, recommendations?

Working my way to being without a smartphone, I have an iPad for winding down with a game of 2048 or checking up on my old school friends through socials, as well as a gaming laptop for Skyrim needs and novel drafts.

Here’s the thing, i listen to music throughout my whole day, Spotify on the tv so I can play it throughout the whole house while I’m cleaning kinda vibes. Realistically I know I should just learn to go through my day without music whenever I want, but I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it, for now I don’t feel like giving up music on my bus rides or walks.

So my question is, whats your favorite no screen/small screen way to listen to music on the go? And what’s the best way to download a lot of music/a lot of “obscure music”? I’m not an audiophile but a system that won’t distort sound into my headphones is a requirement, So long as the price is reasonable I don’t really have a budget.