Pokemon Scarlet / Violet Expansion Pass DLC Bundle for both games?

I have both versions of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, one for me and the other for my son, we play them on my main account. I want to get the expansion pass dlc to share between both game versions, however I've read in the eshop that I have to purchase the dlc twice, one dlc for Scarlet, the other dlc for Violet, if I want to play them on both games (not ideal). However, I noticed that stores like Target have a bundle stating both versions for the dlc: https://www.target.com/p/pokemon-scarlet-violet-expansion-pass-the-hidden-treasure-of-area-zero-nintendo-switch-digital/-/A-88717657

Is this a 2-in-1 dlc? Does this mean if I purchase this through a retail store like Target, I can play the dlc in both Scarlet and Violet?

Thank you.

P.S. Same question with Pokemon Sword and Shield since they also have the dlc advertising both: https://www.target.com/p/pokemon-sword-or-pokemon-shield-expansion-pass-nintendo-switch-digital/-/A-79483265