LMY48M woes...

I've notice several threads about odd shutdowns, wifi connection issues, and extreme battery usage since the last OTA. I've experienced all of these as well. The shutdowns are the most annoying for me. The only thing I can correlate is either high CPU usage or high power draw from the battery.

I've been keeping my phone plugged into a computer at home and at work watching logcat to see if I can catch an error, panic, or anything that could point to something faulty (hardware or software). I've managed to get my N6 to shutdown 3 times while monitoring the log output by turning the screen brightness up to 100% and opening some fairly taxing app like Maps. Unfortunately, nothing shows up in logcat prior to the shutdown.

At this point I'm ASSuming a battery issue, but I find it odd that others are experiencing the same thing at the exact same timeframe. I'm trying to hold out until the official M release to see if that makes a difference...

Anyone have any suggestions on where else to look/monitor on the N6? No tombstones logged, no /proc/last_dmesg listed... I'm monitoring at a DEBUG level on logcat, but so far nothing to show for it.
