Will I need to get a waiver with youthful offender status?
I’m currently working towards taking the ASTB. During my freshman year of college when I was 18 I was arrested for Minor In Possession of Alcohol. I was granted youthful offender which seals the record of the arrest and misdemeanor and any other information about the case under the court. It has never come up on any background checks since then and in my state I don’t have to report it in any applications with our youthful offender rights. That said, I don’t know if I have to disclose that information with the Navy or if it will show on their background checks. I don’t want to have to deal with getting a waiver if it isn’t necessary, but mostly don’t want it to show without disclosing it and ruin any chance of commission or flight school. In short my question is should I bring up that case with my recruiter even though it is all supposed to be sealed?
Thanks for the help in advance. Hopefully this post can help someone else in the future.