How long until I hear back from NRC? Post waiver consult

For a bit of context I had a very light touch with the law when I was a juvenile under 18 I am now an adult who has been trying my best to get into the navy but I cant help but feel like everything is so slow going. There are certain things I've been able to understand like allergy waivers, and the solution for that being paneling.

Bit currently I've been going g maybe 2-3 months handling a misconduct waiver for the afformentioned touch with the law. I believe we are almost through the gates as I've been given my 2 misconduct interviews and I did well the chiefs I spoke with stated they would put in a good word to the next relevant person and now post my last call a week ago.

I'm just waiting on a green light from the NRC has anyone gone through a process similar and if so how long do yall think I have until I can get on the road to bootcamp and light this candle ?