I seen a lot of med waivers post lately

I wanted to clarify some things

Now I’m not a recruiter or associated with recruiting command by any means so take that into consideration just a officer that has way to much time on their hands reading regs .

However by reading the regulations

(1) The following list of disqualifying physical and medical conditions is organized generally by organ system and from the head down. If an applicant currently or by history (as appropriate) has none of these conditions then he or she will be found “physically qualified.”

Which means if you can prove by documentation that you do not have a medical issue and by doing so according to regulations

“When assembling a waiver request package ensure, at a minimum, the following information is included: most recent complete physical examination, all pertinent past medical records, documentation regarding past and current limitations of activity associated with the condition, and the results of any laboratory testing. “

Your waiver should be approved

If denied you have the right to “appeal “ and this is how that process works

5) The following describes the process for submitting an Appeal of Medical Waiver Recommendation Decisions: Service representatives (i.e., recruiters or admissions personnel representing the commanders charged with enlisting, commissioning, retaining, or inducting) may request an appeal of physical standards if a “waiver not recommended” disposition on a waiver request for an applicant has been issued.

The first level of appeal will be a reconsideration of the case by a different medical reviewer than the person who did the initial review. If the Senior Medical Review Authority (SMRA) does not have the personnel to provide a second reviewer, the SMRA can seek a second review from the appropriate Specialty Leader or BUMED Medical Readiness (BUMED-M34). If the second reviewer makes a “waiver recommend” determination, the decision will be routed back to the commander charged with enlisting, commissioning, retaining, or inducting the applicant via the established system for each commander.

Good luck to everyone and may all of your waivers get approved!