Question: Landlord refuse to fix AC

The landlord told me he doesn’t have money, so he refused to fix the broken AC. What should I do? Move out?

Edit for 3rd update: The landlord wants me to move out and very likely refused to return the deposit.

Edit for 1st Updates about the landlord: I just moved in to this place about 2 weeks.

  1. When I moved in the house was extremely dirty, I had to hire professional cleaning service. The cleaning service person told me it was landlord’s responsibility to provide me w a clean place before I moved in. The landlord agreed to pay for the cleaning after I confronted him w cleaning person’s statement.
  2. For the first week, sewage water backed up to the whole bathroom floor and kitchen sink. Landlord wanted to charge me half of the plumber fee because the timing is I moved in, then the problem showed up. The plumber told in front of the landlord’s face that it was years long problem and it has nothing to do with me. Hence the landlord gave up charging me.
  3. The landlord didn’t tell me the AC is broken until I moved in, he also told me if I want to fix it, he’ll need to increase the rent to cover the fee.
  4. The landlord overcharged me the rent (market price was about 1800 he charged me 2500~ instead).

Edit for the second update: The landlord agreed to fix the AC, but need to increase my rent due to AC costs more electricity bill.