Advice with career ideas for my boyfriend?

TL;DR: My 22yr old bf has been working as a cook for the past 4 years. He wanted to be a cook but doesn’t anymore. He hasn’t been to post secondary yet. He has no idea what he wants to do. He would like to do post secondary for 2ish years. He can’t do any physically demanding jobs. Starting salary doesn’t matter but there needs to be a guarantee of an increase to at least 50k a year. It can’t be rotational or out of province either. Any advice?

My boyfriend is 22 and has been working for the past 4 years. He hasn’t been able to go to post secondary yet. He’s hoping to soon but he doesn’t know what he wants to do. He’s tried taking career quizzes and researching online. He’s been working different cooking jobs since he likes cooking and he was leaning towards doing something to do with cooking but he doesn’t want to do cooking professionally anymore. He was somewhat thinking of being a guidance counsellor or a counsellor but realized it would probably be too hard on him mentally and also requires a lot of post secondary. Due to financial reasons he would struggle a lot if he had to do 4+ years of post secondary. He’s hoping to do 2 years or so. The starting salary doesn’t overly matter for whatever career he chooses, but there needs to be a guarantee that after working as whatever it is for a few years that it will get to be at least 50k a year. We both want to have a family in the future and be financially stable and so we need good or decent jobs. I’m still not sure what I want to do either. He can’t do anything too physically demanding as he has some health issues and wouldn’t be in the best shape to do anything like that. It can’t be a rotational or out of province job. He doesn’t want to do anything construction related either. Any advice?

(Avalon Peninsula)