This guy just shit on our whole country. I’m sick of hearing us and Quebec are subsidized by Canada.. a lot of food comes from the maritimes and Montreal is literally the hottest tourist destination in Canada. Why do they always say they subsidize us?
Edit: ok I get that yes it is obviously because we are subsidized.. by the government of Canada. Not Alberta. But we also “subsidize” a lot of our workers to Alberta. And a lot of them pay taxes while they’re there.
We also have some of the highest taxes in Canada so all you with the idea of us just “building an economy” please.. move here and give us some jobs.. if you can fix it please do!
But none of this was the point.. the point is this JP guy is clearly trying to pit us against each other and that’s not why I posted this. This is not an anti Alberta post!
We’re all Canadian!
We’re all in this together. We’re strong together.