Stop beating yourselves up
You fell asleep with your baby on your chest? It’s ok.
You slept through them waking up? It’s ok.
You needed to put them down for a minute and walk away? It’s ok.
You hate this? It’s ok.
You’re frustrated? It’s ok.
You’re having the best time even though everyone hates the newborn stage? It’s ok.
You feel like this was a huge mistake? It’s ok.
You hate your partner? It’s ok.
You hate your MIL/FIL? It’s ok.
You miss your old life? It’s ok.
You feel gross and fat and ugly and smelly? It’s ok.
You need support and help? It’s ok.
You’re struggling with feelings of despair/anxiety? It’s ok. Also get on some medication it really helps.
This is all not only ok but fully normal. Coming from a mom who is currently 8 mo pp it’s not only ok and normal but (hear me out) it does pass. Everything will pass. Hang in there. I’ve been on Zoloft since 37 weeks and am still on it. Get help from your doctor, your friends, your family, this sub. You’re not alone. Everything you’re going through fucking sucks but it’s ok and it’s going to pass. It feels like the end of the world sometimes but I promise it’s not. Hugging every single one of you.
ETA you’re all doing amazing. You’ve either given life or adopted it. Being a parent to a newborn is by far the hardest thing I think most of us will ever experience. Give yourself some grace. Your babies are ok. You’re doing a great job. Take a deep breath and a bath. Crackheads do this, you can too.