Husband found out schedules don't work
I've been on maternity leave with our 7 week old. I started off printing out this cute little schedule with nap times and wake window activities and some chores sprinkled in. Oh silly me.
I soon realized that doesn't work and newborns come with a lot of surprises like cluster feeding, purple crying, blow outs etc.
My husband asked what my schedule is for the weekend and I'm like well this is what I want to get done but I'll see how it goes with baby. Meanwhile he lists of a bunch off chores and times for them.
We wake baby up and he is like okay I'm gonna do dishes and you can do laundry. So baby starts hunger cues and I'm like ill feed him. Husband is like well you just fed him an hour ago and I'm like yeah but he is signaling that he is hungry... To amuse my husband I wait a bit and sure enough baby cries for the boob.
He comes back to see me with baby asleep on my chest and he says see this is where we can transfer baby to the bassinet and get some chores done and I'm like im waiting it out because he might still be hungry. He's like if you keep waiting it will be hard to transfer. So I go to transfer baby and baby freaks out. I check what's wrong and sure enough he is hungry...
Finally husband checked out and I'm like I told you haha