7 week old won’t sleep during the day

We’re first time parents and our 7 week old will refuse to nap during the day and I don’t know what else to do. It seems like I spend most of the day trying to get him to nap and either come out frustrated or happy that I got him down….only for him to wake up 10-20 minutes later. This cannot be good for him and at his 1 month checkup, Dr kind of skipped over the concern. He sleeps great at night, gives us a solid 6-7 hour stretch, eats, and usually falls back asleep within an hr or two and will sleep another 2-3 hours. I do not understand how great of a sleeper he is at night but then no matter what I try during the day, he screams and screams until I stop trying. I’m lucky if I get 2 or 3 20 minute naps. Occasionally if I contact nap he’ll give me an hour or two but I don’t want him to get used to only napping on one of us. Then 6 pm comes and he is a mess because, I’m assuming, he is so exhausted and tired, yet still refuses to nap until it’s bedtime and we take a bath and go to bed. Any advice would be appreciated!