Taking baby to a funeral
We had a family member pass away and took our month old baby to the wake and funeral. I had searched this sub for advice and wasn't able to dig anything up, so here's my experience and what worked for us in case anyone else finds themselves in this situation.
Before I start... I should add that this person was close to both sides of the family, so we didn't have any baby sitters available. Only our parents have baby sat and I'm not quite comfortable asking friends to do so yet as I'm unsure if they have their TDAP vaccinations.
The event was a 2 hour wake, followed by a funeral then burial. My husband was a pallbearer so I took on the child care.
Things that worked: -feeding right before wake. This kept the baby quiet and happy for a few hours. Ours usually naps right after feeds. -moby wrap. This kept people from getting too close and being able to kiss the baby. Baby was very snug and content in there for the duration of the wake. -had change and feed station set up in the car. We snuck out to feed and change between the wake and funeral. - I was worried about germs and others wanting to hold the baby. Thankfully the moby wrap kept baby close enough to me that people didn't get in their space. I also didn't offer them to anyone to hold, and sanitized my hands each time before touching the baby. -checking out lamps. My baby is fascinated with lamps so when they got fussy we did a tour of the lamps in the lobby of the funeral home between the wake and funeral -during the funeral service I was prepared to move to the back if baby fussed. Thankfully they were passed out by this point and didn't make a sound
Things that didn't work well -should have thought to park away from where smokers congregate, I had to move the car away to feed and change. -I'm exclusively pumping and didn't think about how my dress would impact pumping in the car between funeral and burial. I made it work while hubby drove, but it was awkward. -Baby was pretty exhausted by the time the burial rolled around, it was super hot too. Baby and I just hung out in the car until the burial was over when we joined the crowd again. TBH I was hot and tired too so I didn't mind this, babies are a good excuse! -My arms were super sore after from wearing and carrying the baby more than I was used to.
Overall the baby was very well behaved, and taking them to the funeral went better than expected. It's definitely doable if you're without childcare and if your baby is having a good day. I think they brought some joy on an otherwise sad day.