XO Kitty Season 2, this just keeps getting worse

Is it just me or like every character in XO kitty S2 is just so weird, no character development and to be honest very tedius to watch... The only reason I kept watching cuz I just wanted to know how they even end it but alas I failed, it's just bad...like the plot just doesn't make any more sense and they kind of just keep adding more weak plot twists that do not make any difference. Also what is happening in that school?? could they have not shown a few classes atleast happening like just for a second or two, the school in this series is more useless than the school in the Riverdale series and we all know that was just bad. I just wanna know am I the only one who feels this way and also those who watched the season 2 completely, can you guys just lemme know what happens in the end?????