wearing her own clothes as show outfits…?
Why is she wearing her own clothes on stage?? I knew I’ve seen her wear that belt end these jeans before and sure enough she did at that horrible coked out interview of hers.
It literally baffles me that people pay to see her and not even get to see her wear extravagant or amazing stage outfits (e.g. YF Tour), but have to see her wearing her clothes from her closet??
What a lame excuse of a tour is this?? Shouldn’t she have a tour budget that covers costs of stage outfits?
I’ve read on another post on here that Nessa said during soundcheck that she wants to be ‘comfortable’ and is going to wear jeans later on during the show, which she obviously did.
Can she even show an ounce of discipline? I’m not saying to not be comfortable, however, I do think that you can decide on comfortable stage clothes that look awesome and not just some half assed jeans out of your closet.