I noticed on pretty poison, young forever, and hiatg— evan blair has always been credited. UP until aftercare, then cj baran comes into play. her whole sound has a switch up and her entire image. if you look at apple music vs spotify, she is only credited for songwriting on a few songs and then all of the deluxe songs (but one) on apple music but suspiciously is credited LAST for every song on spotify… which the artist — artist management can mess around with. as we have all noticed, she is seemingly very very unwell and no one (not even her own family who went to see her on tour) has stepped in or even cared to help her. what im saying is, up until CJ and artemas came into play, her sound was phenomenal, her image wasnt doing too bad and she was actually rising as an artist. there are a few songs from aftercare that arent bad but with evan and without artemas, this really couldve been her breakout moment and it all went to shit. i included each album crediting (slide 1-4) & spotify crediting vs apple music crediting to show songwriting credits. (slide 5-6) i know this is a snark but i genuinely hope she gets away from all these nasty people and gets some help.