Announcing the Neovim merch community design contest!

By now you've (hopefully) heard that Neovim has a merch store at All proceeds from Neovim merch are used to benefit the project so buying merch is a great way to support your favorite editor (also works as a great conversation starter/ender).

The Neovim team would love to add some new designs to the store, but most of us are not artists. So we are asking you, the community, to help us create some new designs to sell in our Neovim store!

What we need from the community

Create a Neovim inspired/relevant design for use on a t-shirt, hoodie, mug, or other piece of merch sold in the store (you can submit the design as a regular image if you like, just keep in mind the constraints of how it will eventually be created/displayed).

The top 3 submissions (based on community upvotes) will be selected. Someone on the core team will reach out to each of the authors to collaborate on adding their designs into the store.

What's in it for me

Aside from pride and limitless bragging rights, each winner will receive a free item of Neovim merchandise and will have their name listed on the store next to their designed products. We are not able to offer royalties for sold items. The designs will be licensed to the Neovim project.

Submission rules

  1. All submissions should be Neovim related (should include the Neovim logo or the text "Neovim" or "Nvim" in some capacity)
  2. Nothing offensive/graphic/political/racist/sexist/etc. This should be obvious, hopefully nobody needed to hear this.
  3. Teasing/poking fun at other projects/editors/etc. is ok as long as it's done with good humor and is not mean spirited
  4. Ultimately, both the Neovim team and the r/neovim moderation team retain the right to exclude submissions

How do I submit?

Post a top-level comment on this thread with a link to your submission. Any image hosting site is fine, so long as other community members can see it.

If you do not have a Reddit account or prefer not to comment directly for any reason, you can DM or email me (contact AT gpanders[.]com) your submission directly and I will post it on your behalf.

What is the timeline?

The community design contest begins TODAY and will run for 1 month. We will decide the winners (based on community upvotes and internal discussion) on 2024-12-19 at 18:00 UTC