A Voters Choice Giveaway!
Hi Neopians, this giveaway is based on your votes for the best giveaway prizes!
Here's whats being raffled(in exact order)!
x1 Valentine PB, x1 Pastel PB, x1 Maraquan PB, x1 Plushie PB, x1 Toy PB, x1 Candy PB, x1 White PB, x1 Royal PB, x1 Faerie PB, x1 Stealth PB, x10 BUNDLES of 3 Baby PBs, x1 Pink PPPB, x1 Halloween PPPB, x1 Woodland PPPB, x1 Faerie PPPB, x1 Valentine PPPB, x1 Mutant PPPB, x1 Darigan PPPB, x1 Grey PPPB, x1 Maraquan PPPB, x1 Purple PPPB, x1 Black PPPB, x1 Island PPPB, x1 Rainbow PPPB, x1 Stealth PPPB, x1 Blue PPPB, x1 Spring PPPB, x1 Disco PPPB, x1 White PPPB, x1 Desert PPPB, x1 Robot PPPB, x1 Meowclops, x1 Bat Boy, x1 Krawk, x1 Handsome Horus, x1 Patamoose, x1 Zumagorn, x1 Candychan, x1 Mozito, x1 Skritch, x1 Glack, x1 Flankin, x1 Blechy, x1 Scoach, x1 Potion Master Cloak, x1 Plushie Cardigan, x1 Cosmic Space Faerie Leggings, x1 Members Only Moustache, x1 Moth Queen Aisha Gown, x1 Evil Thade Kacheek Mouth, x1 Runes Of The Obelisk, x1 Behind The Rainbow Falls Background, x1 The Palace of Maraqua Background, x1 Yooyuball Graffiti Background, x1 FULL Uni Neon Clothe Set, x1 FULL Gelert Smoke Clothe Set, x1 Faerie Yooyu Dress, x10 BUNDLES of x5 Nerkmids, x1 Rainbow Sticky Hand Stamp, x1 Lucky Coin Stamp, x1 Lost City Lanes Stamp, x1 Barf Boat Stamp, x1 Rebuilding Dacardia Stamp, x1 Neopets 22nd Birthday Stamp, x1 Red Striped Collectable Scarab, x1 Fiery Golden Collectable Scarab, x1 Mysterious Vibrant Collectable Scarab, x1 Maraquan Maractite Draik Coin, x1 Anklet Of The Deep, x1 Dazzling Blue Mussel Shell, x1 Bracelet Of Kings +1 Full Codestone Set, x1 Ultra Bubble Gun +1 Full Codestone Set, x1 Exploding Acorns +1 Full Codestone Set, x1 Yellow Clockwork Lupe +1 Full Codestone Set, x8 Subjective Prizes(I'll send something specific to your liking, based off your profile/gallery/ect!)
You can win up to TWO of these prizes!
Comment(or flair) your username and guess ☆☆ TWO ☆☆ numbers from ☆☆ 3000-5000! ☆☆ 72hrs from now, 100 winning numbers will be generated. The first closest guess to each number wins the corresponding prize!
CLAIRVOYANT BONUS: If you guess a winning number, then you get an additional Baby PB!
*\*You CAN guess a number thats already been guessed
*\*Pls ensure your invo has an empty slot or two
Ez pz, i'll be back in 72hrs! Thank you and good luck to all!
edit: im pulling the winning numbers now and will edit the post again shortly with the winning information. ty for your understanding and kind words too, things are better and looking up! i will probably delete the previous edit to not worry anyone anymore. be back soon with the info
EDIT: THE WINNING NUMBERS HAVE BEEN GENERATED! (courtesy of stattrek) https://imgur.com/a/XCDQdHv
3986 3645 4870 4915 4475 3819 3272 4982 3163 4484 3201 3486 3420 3710 4932 4662 4587 4163 3402 4563 4987 3502 3099 3621 3181 3360 3040 4264 4144 4844 4013 3159 4786 4801 3948 3393 4489 4412 4844 4685 4466 3156 3030 3226 4537 3441 4129 3645 4577 4038 4437 3753 3223 3640 3353 4628 3405 4604 4479 4124 3212 4959 4640 3487 4897 4929 3129 3009 4052 4712 3450 3945 3593 3111 3240 3660 4006 3594 3083 4962 4376 3469 4683 3747 4178 3196 4626 4906 3300 3649 4348 3666 4712 3898 3400 3746 3182 3818 4901 3768
MAIN PRIZE WINNERS: Blonded007, hrjyuuyt20, rachelterror, stargown, 8kitty88, Watermelongelato, beadlers, c0urtn3yy, whaleshadow, lunensis, radioactivepotato, iamthegiraffe, Sugarbabyvien, tofudesu, bluecatclaws, imaloserk, Justsometheatrenerd, feuillys, princymeng, Neogreyy, Look_its_celina, Taleesha_ann, ductapifier, we_r_brothrs_4_evr, smartalecked, infectednations, absolutecorona, chunkychops1976, ugiarules777, Sar102, Boudicahall, Kombuchai, miztroubled, coppens, katetea, Razzordragon, taurinepython, pokes_side, simon987654, wonton_soups, xaeldara, sproutpop, i_lovee_icecream, citrusx, ursidaeminor, bawlynn, daeniya, chesterfaerie20, aietradaea, jlm_kirby, beabadooobee, rosewaterhag, Yeseoo, coastalarch, cakemaker14, Owlykat, choobiegoose, caitsithh,Kirara_girl_2006, ratscorp, cavalcade117, Kombuchai, Trucjes, patter_paws, dylando1, Simplicita, caspiansorrows, melkire, Revengeofmason666, triforce_of_awesome, hollysuze, queenmaisha, melkire, Dragonshadez, Cooky_cookie891, flaiyper, Evilgirl28666, reiyce, edgemont321, Slayergirl_63, xxperfectdayxx, jotagui, jubileek, neo_nurse0622, mywishful, Vegasdisneyprincess, scirroco, hrjyuuyt20, mistoyn, Appologies, zzneozz, Neopian_snoop, peasarenice, cerpin, katey_lynny, subtletys, Ohsosweet39, alfarran, actiontal, stargown
CLARIVOYANT WINNERS: 8kitty88, Sugarbabyvien, bluecatclaws, Justsometheatrenerd, MrLowkey, Neogreyy, oaki, Look_its_celina, redpandaassassin, we_r_brothrs_4_evr, Boudicahall, Kombuchai, miztroubled, coppens, taurinepython, simon987654, wonton_soups, rosewaterhag, coastalarch, cakemaker14, choobiegoose, Trucjes, patter_paws, melkire, redpandaassassin, hollysuze, queenmaisha, Dragonshadez, xxperfectdayxx, mywishful, Vegasdisneyprincess, Neopian_snoop, sl_dojo_11, katey_lynny, neo_nurse0622, Watermelongelato
prizes have been sent out~ ty everyone who joined!