How can i improve my current self made program?

Push (Monday)

Primary Movement: Bench ~ 5x5

Secondary Movement: Incline Bench Press (DB) ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: shoulder press (DB) ~ 3x8-12

Hypertrophy Movements: cable flyes (DB) ~ 3x12-15

Hypertrophy Movements: Lateral Raises ~ 3x10

Hypertrophy Movements: Tricep Pushdown ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: Overhead Extensions ~ 3x12

Pull (Tuesday)

Primary Movement: Deadlift ~ 4x5

Secondary Movement: bent over row ~ 4x6

Hypertrophy Movements: Lat Pulldowns ~ 3x10

Hypertrophy Movements: Seated rows ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: Shrugs ~ 3x15

Hypertrophy Movements: face pulls ~ 3x12-15

Hypertrophy Movements: Hammer Curl ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: ez bar curl ~ 3x12

Legs (Wednesday)

Primary Movement: Squats ~ 5x5

leg extensions 3x 10-15

Hypertrophy Movements: Leg Press ~ 3x12

leg curls 3x 10-15 tot failure

Hypertrophy Movements: Calf Raises ~ 3x25

Upper Body (Thursday)

Primary Movement: Bench ~ 5x5

inc db press ~ 3x12

Secondary Movement: Overhead Press ~ 3x5 SS Lateral raise 3x12

Tertiary Movement: Bent over Rows ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: Lat Pulldown ~ 3x8

Hypertrophy Movements: face pulls ~ 3x12-15

Hypertrophy Movements: Incline Hammer Curl ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: Incline DB Curls ~ 3x12

tricep pushdown ~ 3x12

overhead extension ~ 3x15

Legs (Friday)

Primary Movement: Squats ~ 5x5

Hypertrophy Movements: Leg Press ~ 3x12

Hypertrophy Movements: Calf Raises ~ 3x12

leg extensions 3x 10-15 to failure

leg curls 3x 10-15 to failure

I have been running this program for a few weeks now and im not sure if its optimal can anyone help me on what i should change to it.