Popular boy names
Everyone says Noah and Liam are so popular and have topped the list for ages (true according to public lists).
Everyone in this Reddit says ‘I don’t need to see another boy named Liam or Noah!’ Almost with a tone of disgust.
Totally personal preference… I have a 2 year old and several, several friends (12+) with kids ages baby to 5. A few that are teachers even.
I have never met a child named Liam or Noah. There’s never been a Liam or Noah in my child’s class at daycare or at the weekly events we go to (library, music class etc). Even my friend who is a first grade teacher, has only had 2 Liam’s in 13 years.
My sister who is a doctor and treats children, doesn’t have a single Noah or Liam in her practice after 6 years.
Is it really that popular and ‘horrible’ to name your kid that?
I’m in the North East US.