EDIT: Thankyou everyone for your comments! I think we will go with Eden! It goes with the theme of ‘big things’. Like the Romans for Roman, Garden of Eden for Eden and if I have another boy then Ocean will fit beautifully! Or next girl maybe Soulene to also go with the theme (souls are eternal and big) and they all end in the ‘n’ sound 🥰 love you all

As long as a can remember I have ALWAYS been on the look out for future baby names. Now that I am 27 years old, have a baby boy named Roman (always loved the name since I saw it) and am pregnant with a baby girl, I can’t FOR THE LIFE OF ME love any girl name that I have come across over the span of my entire LIFE! I have some that I like but I ‘just like’ them. None stand out to me and I am stressing. I am 4 months along so I don’t think I will come across a name I haven’t seen before that I will love in this short time frame that I have remaining, I think I’m going to have to settle for a name I ‘just like’. Here are my contenders and if anyone has something similar please comment! If I don’t end up finding a name I love I will chose from below so comment your fav name pls 🫣

  • Ivy
  • Eve
  • Raven
  • May
  • Chloe
  • Leah
  • Nova
  • Eden
  • Haven
  • Sophie
  • Odesse
  • Celine

FYI - last name starts with a Y - only looking for 2 syllable names or 1 - I like classic but not too popular - nothing ending in ‘lynn’, ‘elle’, ‘ella’, or ‘die’ like Elodie or Sadie - nothing starting with ‘A’ - if I ever have another boy I will name him Ocean - my name is Olivia and my husband’s name is Roni - husband has 9 siblings (he’s the youngest) all with 3-5 kids so with 30+ kids in the fam and more extended it’s even harder to find a name not in the fam - already in the fam that I like but will NOT use: Skye, Hope, Grace, Ruby, Lily, Ayla, Tiara, Pearlene, Hazel, Mirna

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