Triplets a month away!! Still need baby girls name

I posted a while ago about finding names for trips! Well they are now a month away and we still don’t have all their names!! Boy will be Elliot Alonzo, Girl is Zinnia Catherine Tatum. I need one more girl name, but am having trouble due to our specifications; - middle name will be CT, A c name that idk yet and Teresa - no a or t endings - no z or e beginnings - we like vintage yet uncommon names - must have nick name in the name Please help as due date is approaching!! Names we like but aren’t too excited about; - Bridget - Callee - Calliope - Maevis

Please help us find a name that fits this criteria and perhaps a middle name that starts with c to accompany Teresa, due date is approaching and I am feeling so overwhelmed with figuring this out!! Thanks in advance!!