Wasn't Trixie unfairly treated?

In s01e06 - "Boast Busters" a pony comes to Ponyville to put on a show to entertain.

But instead of enjoying the show, the Mane6 start heckling her and calling her a braggart.

Of course she is! Of course she made up a story about defeating an Ursa Manor, it's a show!

It's meant to impress and wow, and she's playing a character.

In s01e06 - "Boast Busters" a pony comes to Ponyville to put on a show to entertain.

But instead of enjoying the show, the Mane6 start heckling her and calling her a braggart.

Of course she is! Of course she made up a story about defeating an Ursa Manor, it's a show!

It's meant to impress and wow, and she's playing a character.