Dire Straits mid song key change (Down to the Waterline)


I am currently in the process learning some of the earlier Dire Straits songs, I’ve started with “Down to the waterline” using this youtube vid as a guide. Part of the process of learning this song is looking into why Mark Knopfler picked the chords/licks, throughout the song it’s pretty evident he’s opting to play Bmin pentatonic licks and Bmin chords. The issue is midway through the song (2:32 in the video) there seems to be a key change where I am unsure if there’s any reason behind the chord/note choices.

The mid song (2:32) key change progression goes like:

Emaj -> Csus2 -> Gmaj -> Csus2 -> Dmaj -> Amaj -> F#maj -> Gmaj -> Amaj

What I wanted to ask is:

-Is there any pattern in this Progression/have you come across a similar progression before?

-Is He playing arpeggios or scales over this mid song key change?

Any insight is appreciated thanks!!