Lying to people
This was inspired by another post.
When we see musicians perform, and they aren't that wonderful, and we know it, why do we lie to them and use all these cliche words like "you're amazing,_ "great job."?
It's bad enough for Joe public, who doesn't know a damn thing about music, is probably tone deaf, claps on the 1 and the 3. But it's entirely different for someone who claims to be a musician with a discerning ear.
We should comment and say things like "I had a great time," or "this was a lot of fun." But people who don't know anything about music, or even do, and just lie to people who sound like shit, why is this ok with us?
I just read a post on here from someone who's been a victim of untruthful critiques. I think it's a legitimate point, and I feel bad for people who are led down that road and lied to just to make it comfortable for the person who thinks they have to talk and not be truthful.