Whats the story of you got into MTG?
Just curious on how you were introduced to the game.
In 2015, I had just finished my time in the Navy and upon returning home I started college full time on my GI Bill and also picked up a night shift job at my local Walmart. My first week there I saw a few guys at the break room table during lunch playing a card game. I hadn’t actually met anyone at the job yet so I figured a good way to “break the new guy ice” I would introduce my self and ask if I could watch them play as I thought they were playing poker. I wanted to learn poker so I figured win-win. It wasn’t until I approached them and asked if I could sit with them to learn the game that I noticed it was MTG. They happily introduced themselves and one of them immediately started on pointing out the different aspects of the cards and asked if I knew any of it beforehand. Longer story short, the guy that took charge of my tutelage has become a very good friend of mine and we still talk and play mtg to this day almost ten years later. We only play commander now, but good times are plenty.