The Man From Earth (WTF?!)

Guys I’m sorry but this movie is…

I thought maybe I was missing something, then I really did a deep dive on people’s comments on this film. There were some people who had issues with it right away (I’ll get there) but I noticed that almost every single review or comment about this film included phrases like with a budget of only $200,000”…”great example of an amazing script with sub-optimal (etc etc)”. And usually people would list several issues…each different than the last.

The fact that people who LIKE this movie feel the need to qualify every praise of this film with an explanation that says “well actually it’s not gonna be great and here’s’ why”….

If I ate at a restaurant and came back saying, “Well the food was good, but it was expensive, the venue was too dark, and the service was shit!”…would you visit that restaurant?

Guys almost every possibly aspect of this film OTHER than the writing (ie, lighting, camera staging, lens choice, editing, music, and oh yes even the acting) is not good. It’s not just not good it’s BAD. It looks ANACHRONISTIC. I had to check that this thing wasn’t released as a 1990s TV film because I was that confused. And the fact that ALL these aspects were not good simultaneously does NOT outweigh an interesting script (IM SORRY).

I can take bad acting if you have some interesting cinematography choices. I can forgive shitty cinematography if you have novel editing. I can forgive even bad editing if maybe you have cool use of music!

But my God to have every single one of these aspects fail is kinda…well I think it would have worked better as a play or short story.