Characters who ended up being deleted entirely in the final cut

Deleted scenes are a common thing in movies, but not as common is when an entire character is cut out and every single scene they were meant to be in is removed or edited. The actor still got paid at least, but all of their efforts were for naught.

For example, all of Christopher Lee's scenes as Saruman were left out of the Return of the King theatrical cut, meaning his character never got any closure. Christopher Lee was understandably not happy about that. Fortunately his scenes were restored in the Extended Edition.

Peeves the Poltergeist from the books was meant to be in the first Harry Potter movie played by Ril Mayall, but his scenes were cut, never even shown on the DVD release, and he never appeared in any of the sequels either. He did still pop up in the videogame adaptations though.

So what other notable cases are there of entirely cut characters?