Watched A view to a kill (1985)

I just finished watching this, so I better write this before I forget what happened in it.

This movie feels like what I'd expect out of a James Bond, but he is played by someone who is 57, and in a movie was released in 1985, probally the lowest era of Bond.

It has all the goofy stuff you would expect such as, a man getting killed by a butterfly model, a horrible French accent and a villain who kills all his henchmen because he feels like it, only letting one survive. It's not even so Bond has one more henchman to kill he just chills in a blimp for the finale. The villain whose mother was experimented on in a concentration camp, she was given steroids, and stay with me now, so he is super smart but is also a psychopath due to the steroids. This is what I want from Bond villains, by the way, just pure goofiness.

This is one that I somehow had never seen, despite me watching these a lot when I was younger, this one I never saw. I can't even say it was because the tv wouldn't show it because I watched it on the player.

I'm going to give view to kill, six horse steroids out of seven monocles, or basically 6 out of 10.