Idc about USA propaganda and shit, they could have made Top gun Maverick better.
Very poor writing, scenes connect like dogshit, couldn't give a less fuck about Tom Cruise and some blonde middle aged woman's story or cringe dialogues between them and most importabtly, every characters were as flat as a pancake. Only appealing thing about this movie is screen quality and dogfight sequence of last 30 minutes or so.
Watched it again for good measure before writing this, got more disappointed than first time watching and slightly annoyed even. Cuz when I looked up the bad review of it, they were all like: boomer's favorite movie, another usa propaganda movie. No U dickheads, there are so much more egregious things about this waste of an Imax camera to talk about than that. You have to be boomer AND THEN also braindead to like this movie.
Sorry if I sound too mean now its some very late time where I live and I have some serious headache. I just can't understand why couldnt they write it better. Complete waste of well made flight scenes that probably Tom put a lot of dedication in it. (Idk I heard they did it without cg and shit but could be wrong.) All the other terrible things+the BEST jet goes brrrr scen I've seen in movies, overall it just remains 6/10 movie, and it's genorous rating.
It's not about seriousness either, if that might confuse you. Entertainment film can still have a good story. Or they could even have added much more propaganda than this fairly subtle one and still be better film.