What would you say are the greatest swordfights ever put on film?
As a big fan of action and adventure films, I love a good fight scene and while hand-to-hand is great, I'm a bit surprised that there aren't more really well done swordfights.
I've only seen so much, so what do you think are some of the best ever?
A few of my favorites:
The below clips may have spoilers for their respective movies
Shanghai Knights - Lord Rathbone Fight Scene
This is probably my favorite swordfight in terms of pure quality. Aiden Gillen's cool, confident demeanor and speed with a two-sword style up against Jackie Chan was just amazing. I wish I could find more like this.
The Court Jester - Hypnosis Swordfight
I grew up on this film and I don't think a swordfight has ever made me laugh so hard. Danny Kaye in this movie was the gateway to me falling in love with the kind action comedy that I'd latch on to Jackie Chan for when I got a little older.
The Princess Bride - Inigo vs Dread Pirate Roberts
I mean, what can I say. It's a classic. It may not be the most technical, or highly choreographed to watch as an adult, but I'll never not love it. Wesley was just so cool.
What do you think are some of the best ever?