Revisiting Million Dollar Baby. Probably the most subversive sports movie I've seen.
After the nice 2/3rds of building the relationships between the characters. Thinking you're about to go into the 3rd act of the final match.
I couldn't believe where it had gone. I was so devastated and cried at the end at the time. As a kid at the time of release, it really left a mark on me and introduced the idea of euthanasia.
Revisiting it now, i think it holds up very well as probably the most subversive sports movie i've seen. The last third really shines with how the drama plays out and makes the movie.
I really loved all the performances, especially the scenes between Hilary Swank and Clint Eastwood at the end. I forgot Jay barachul, anthony mackey, and character actress Margo Martindale played small supporting roles here.
Definitely Top 3 Eastwood made movies for me along with Mystic River and Unforgiven.