The difference 10 months makes...

Hi all, I don't post often but I love reading everyone's posts here and gaining knowledge from everyone's experiences!

I've been on Mounjaro now for around 10 months and have lost 30.7kg, roughly 4 stone I believe! I am not one for posting photos on the Internet to a bunch of random strangers but I finally feel confident enough to share it with everyone here! The dress in question struggled to fit me before I started my journey and my partner had to help me wear it for a party one night, however now it's almost too lose!

The medication has been an absolute life saver for me, I was 108.5kg, struggling with bowel problems, raging pcos symptoms and other health conditions which caused me pain daily. Since Mounjaro and the weight loss I've come off almost all my meds as they aren't necessary anymore (long discussions with my GP), things are regulating regarding my PCOS again and I'm overall feeling much more active and awake! Not to mention moving and smiling more!

Also, Ps, I do apologise for the dusty mirror 😅 I can assure you all its been cleaned!