Weight concerns.
I am going to tag this as stalled even though I'm not sure.
Hi guys, this is probably answered everywhere else but just looking for some reassurance. I started on this 3 weeks ago and had my 3rd 2.5mg jab on Sunday. My 5mg is ordered and being "processed" for a few days, concerning but that's a whole different post.
Anyway I started around the 28 stone mark, lost a lot in the first 2 weeks. But the last few days I've actually gone up half a stone and I'm just wanting to know if that's normal or if I need to change something.
Some context: Trigger Warning, Food habits and alcohol mentions.
Before going on this, I would eat a fried egg and bacon sandwich every morning on white bread. I would snack through the day, eat something big for dinner, then round the day off with a tub of pringles, some kind of chocolate AND a few vodka and cokes.
My maintenance calories (? I think that's the word, I am not so savvy on this) is meant to be 3k a day. I am now eating 1k a day, I have fiber cereal for breakfast (which I actually enjoy???), and I have a meal prepped by a food box company, as I felt that would help me with portion sizes and not just eating the same rubbish. Which has been great, I have discovered a love of spinach, and also carrot and apple slaw. I have also gone from no water, to 2-3liters a day. Also loving it.
I am also walking 30 mins every day. Doesn't sound a lot I know, but it's during my lunch break. I never used to go anywhere prior, I would go two weeks without leaving the house if I could get away with it.
So, is this just more of a 2.5mg is just to get used to it, enjoy the 5mg wild ride when it happens? Or is there anything glaring I might need to change here. Any advice would be greatly welcomed, this is my one chance to try and get myself into a shape that isn't round.