Stuttering issue

Bike is a Honda CB400SF.

will attach a video of the bike when doing a cold start and how rpm indicator starts at around 2300 and drops to idle (1450rpm)

Bike’s idle is stable as you can see at the end of the video.

Problem is when the indicator crosses 2000-1500 i can feel like its stuttering / not smooth / feels like running from 3 cylinders. You can get an idea from the engine sound. Please listen carefully.

This problem is there even after the bike warms up.

On a side note : ive tested the flow rates of injectors and they were different. (Photo in the comment ). When doing the leak test , one injector had a bubble in the nozzle (leaking)

My question is , is this problem due to 4 injectors ? I want to be sure so then i can buy 4 new injectors.