No, I don't want to fucking learn Charge Blade, THANK YOU.

Petty baby rage incoming. Don't give a fuck.

I get it. I do. Charge Blade is great. Bow is great. Gunlance and Dual Blades are great. But if I make an LFG post stating specifically that I'm looking for someone who can teach me fucking SWORD AND SHIELD, then THAT IS WHAT I MEAN! You love your pizzacutters and boomsticks, I understand. I love my poker and bugstick, too. That doesn't mean I would reply to an LFG where someone looks for a mentor for SnS and go "I don't know shit about SnS, never touched it, never even fucking considered it, bUt I cAn TeAcH yOu LaNcE oR glAiVe!!!1" BECAUSE THE TWO BRAINCELLS I SOMEHOW MANAGE TO KEEP ALIVE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CONNECT THE DOTS AND REALIZE THAT IF SOMEONE WANTED TO LEARN GLAIVE OR LANCE THEY WOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED FOR GLAIVE OR LANCE!!!

Ugh. Buncha fucking pricks rubbing their weapons in my face like a fucking dickpic I didn't ask for. Keep it to yourselves goddammit, and learn to fucking read. It ain't hard.

EDIT: Since I'm tired of dealing with the average reddit IQ I get in many of the replies, let me spell it out for you geniuses: No, I am not INCAPABLE of teaching myself a new monhon weapon via use of the typical sources (YT, guides etc.) I simply have a PREFERENCE not to do it and learning from someone teaching me instead. Do you people have preferences? Do you have a favorite color? A favorite meal? Favorite song? Favorite pizza toppings you order when they're available? A favorite type of shoe you try to go for over others when you need a new pair? Well goddamn, aren't you just the dumbest POS on the planet. You really try to go for what you LIKE when you have a chance? Jesus, that is the stupidest shit I've heard all week.

Get a grip, you brainiacs.