If this game is so easy why are y’all constantly carting?
Carting to Tempered Gore and Tempered Arkveld I should say.
I didn’t have any investigations saved so I was playing with randoms to collect hunter certificates, needed Gore’s horn while I was at it. Games easy so should be a breeze right?
0/10 quests completed. All of them failed with triple carts in the first 10-12 minutes. If this was a once in a while event I wouldn’t be writing this. Randos consistently dying and failing these endgame hunts is plainly indicative that the difficulty is right where it needs to be. The median monster hunter player is not as skilled as online discourse seems to imply. This could simply be an unlucky streak but it’s incredibly annoying constantly hearing about how the game is too easy when all it takes is a Quick Look into the game to easy evidence to the contrary.