Move over Alatreon, Fatalis is the true enjoyment killed


A little bit ago i was about ready to call it quits with MWH when i was getting my ass handed to me by Alatreon for about a month.

Problem there was either being too safe, therefor not having enough damage, or just dying.
But with some changes to my build, getting evade window up, it got easier to be aggresive while still being able to avoid stuff.

But Fatalis? fuck. no.

None stop bullshit, im either just running after it non stop cuz it keeps charging, doing the big fireball shit into fly move across the whole arena. Firebreath under him so i have to stay away anyway.

And i get it, its suppose to be hard, its the final fight of the game yeyeye. But it just feels hard for the wrong reasons.
Worst hitboxes i have ever seen, even with evade window, i still get hit cuz it seems like some of these attacks keep ticking their hitbox. Can do the dumbest fucking comboes where you just... die if you are in the wrong spot.(guess i should have seen the future)

This fight just feels designed for speedrunners that are able to stay in the perfect spot for every attack PERFECTLY timing every single swing for the tiny time he puts his head down between attacks.

Like how the fuck are you suppose to do that as a normal human being. I dont get it.

I watch these videos showing it, but it feels completely worthless, its just completely perfect ultra instinct level shit. Showing the openings does nothing for me as its not fucking possible for me to get those what so even.

"Oh he lets his head down for like 1 sec after doing some attacks, you can get off some damage then"
Ok so you have to be in the perfect spot before the AI even decides to do that attact, prep your swing so it connects. Got it..

I thought Alatreon was hard to get off openings, but compared to Fatalis, its night and day.

The bastard has been killed.
Sorry for being a bitch, thanks for all the tips and suggestions.
Ended up adding another level of evade window to help with some of the really hard to dodge stuff, adding artillery into a mantle for some more damage on balista.
Outside of that just had to play really safe, try to get atleast small damage on most openins, beat it with 1 min left.

The belly flop is still dumb as hell!