Monsters and additional data available in the data leak (Updating)

NOTE: No, I will not update this list merely based on “speculation” or “being leaked on certain site”. If I don’t find it on actual game data dump and string files, then I will not include it here. We are here for information, not misinformation.


em0001 - Rathian (Data suggests she has a new lava rock moveset.)

em0005 - Gravios

em0009 - Gypceros (Wow, rubber chicken got a LOT of data. Standard moves, flashes, fake deaths, AND CAN FORM PACKS AND SYNCHRONISE ATTAKCS? and gota crystal base?)

em0021 - Congalala

em0070 - Nerscylla

em0071 - Gore Magala

em0150 - Doshaguma (got a "Burst" "Anahori" Attack)

em0151 - Balahara (Lot of sand trap, dolphin dives and dashes)

em0152 - Chatacabra

em0156 - Rey Dau

em0158 - ???

em0160 - ???

em0161 - (Ice breath attacks)

em0162 -???

em0164 - ???


UPDATE: Small monsters are not only pack based, but also have sexual dimorphism (Ceratonoth) and some have Juveniles (Dalthydon).

em1150 - Small monster Got an elbow, knee, has tail, has a breath attack, can bond with other monster of same kind.

em1151 - yawn?

em1153 - has a beak, and uses bite attacks

em1154 - a wingdrake



em_frenzy (Gore Magala is BACK)

em_anger (meh, rage modes)

em_crystal (Is it like armor modes? Zamtrios, Velkhana? or will Akura Vashimu and Akura Jebia will be in the mainline? or just a trap?)

em_exhaust (Fatigue system)

em_tired (? They are different things? Will monsters have their own short term stamina system to prevent move spams?)

em_fallivy and em_ivytrap (Just an ordinary trapped state)

em_koyashi (fertilizer? Please translate/ localize this. EDIT: Its soiled status. Thanks u/TgCCL)

em_lead (The monster can be lead around by making it aggro you)

em_molded (Is it rotting mechanics? but there is already an em_rotten)

em_paint, em_paralysis, em_poison, em_sleep and em_stun (Yes, ordinary stuff.)

em_preyed (? Is it when a small monster is hunted like the state that Ceratonoth was in when it was hunted by Doshaguma and dragged around?)

em_rotten and em_rotten_insect (2 rotting states, may be a progression, or may be 2 different states, one for other monsters and one specifically for insect based monsters?)

em_toxin (Is it different from poison?)


Savannah_Area, Cheese_Area, Chick_Center, Chick_Feed, Chick_Mud, Chick_PorterShed,, Chief_House_Area, Crafts_Area, Fabric_Area, etc - Windward Plane and its village

Bone_Area, Tree, Root_Hill, Waterfall_Back, DamRuins_Inside, Shoal - Scarlet Forest (Thanks u/tornait-hashu)

Oil_Area, Ore_Area, Quarry_Are - Oilwell Basin

Deck_Area - Probably an event similar to the MH4U Great Sea.

HQ_Tent_Area, Support_Unit_Area - ???

Main_Area_Anyone - ???


npc_grave, grave_area, grave_boy (hmm)

ZeroGravity_MotionEffect (alright, soooo magnetism? or free fall)

Deck_area_landing_dragon (It is either a sea battle, or another Daren/Jhen mohran thing.)