Monet being too neutral

Taking the “rican+black” out her bio is crazy💀 but I’ve about reached my limit with her& feel i need to finally unfollow. With everything going on in the news i feel she’s just another influencer who is choosing to be way too neutral because she doesn’t wanna lose followers. She doesn’t ever talk about anything important or shed light about current issues until she’s being pressured to in her comments. “Rutgers nursing” in her bio but not a peep about the end of cancer research funding or being taken out of WHO. Not a peep raising awareness or resources for immigrants or trans rights and everything is always about Jalen and his fake ass relationship twitter quotes. it’s pathetic bro. the night before tiktok was banned she uploaded a video thanking us for “her success” instead of talking about the very reason its getting banned💀. Not a thought behind those eyes just her corny bf.

Taking the “rican+black” out her bio is crazy💀 but I’ve about reached my limit with her& feel i need to finally unfollow. With everything going on in the news i feel she’s just another influencer who is choosing to be way too neutral because she doesn’t wanna lose followers. She doesn’t ever talk about anything important or shed light about current issues until she’s being pressured to in her comments. “Rutgers nursing” in her bio but not a peep about the end of cancer research funding or being taken out of WHO. Not a peep raising awareness or resources for immigrants or trans rights and everything is always about Jalen and his fake ass relationship twitter quotes. it’s pathetic bro. the night before tiktok was banned she uploaded a video thanking us for “her success” instead of talking about the very reason its getting banned💀. Not a thought behind those eyes just her corny bf.