Mili - world.execute(me); - YouTube
Go to Tiananmen square, remember to bring determination
Ride on my bike and let's begin demonstration
Crowd in the street, shout out, in this June
Step in front of tank, never afraid of hot weapon
If I'm a student, then I will skip today's lesson
If I'm a worker, then I will leave engineering machine
If I'm an employee, then I will fuck off the leading person
If I'm a human race, then I will fight for liberation
Write the story, for 89, for 64
Witness tragedy, bloody, bloody
Since we will transfer from 3D to 2D
Tank ran over, ruthlessly, ruthlessly
If I can, if I can, survive the repression
Then I will, then I will make the tale to be known
If I'm put in prison, I vow we can be free again
And upright spirit will never, never be flatten!