if you read the posts about the other dreams ive had youll remember that i mentioned i saw a mikoto mv that i couldnt remember anything of. i had another last night and there was MORE...!
the only notes i took on it after i woke up was pretty scarce i feel because i didnt finish it in the dream. however what i do remember
-it wasnt just the mv itself, there was a brief bit at the start that showed maybe AFTER the mv was extracted from his mind and es and mikoto watched it together in rows that resembled the theater in half.
-the broken down room in MeMe was a major part of it
-it wasnt totally bleak per se musicwise, it was more like the calm bits in MeMe too from the part i remember.
-while mikoto was on his own in his prison uniform, very retro hackery text boxes would flash from time to time. likely john and maybe a hint of 3koto considering the hacker green
-he had a facemask on at one point, and there were several other people with the same mask. then everyone else had mugshots type pictures, all taking the masks off the same way. kinda like fuuta in the one pic from t1. this was also RIGHT before i woke up so i feel like that kind of skewed the whole dream. could have been people he knew, could have been victims, could have been potential alters,,??
after that part was when i woke up so theres nothing to pick at besides that. it was pretty fire seeing i think