My sister is mad cuz she has caring parents

Idk what is wrong with my sister,we just met after a long time(I'm on a different country while she and our parents lives in another country) and she said she just wanted to go out in night and wanted to take a peaceful walk(she's 16 btw) but our parents,being responsible,advise her to be careful in night and they ask me to go with her, I'm generally fine with it, what's wrong with pausing my assignment for few minutes alone with my sis.But when they're giving her an advice she keeps being rebellious,so after some time of arguing and our parents trying to calm her down,we just left,and I'm forced to follow her,at first I thought we could just be normal again but suddenly she said 'why the f*** are they so protective,I can handle on my own' ahh stuff and then said 'this is why I wanted to kill myself'.I was like 'HUH!?!?'.I mean they're just care for you like what the hell??We have a caring parents who are concerned for your safety and you hated them for it???I can't with this stuff man is this why my sister is depressed?? Because she got caring parents??I mean she can't stop crying because of this shi*.I don't understand why?They gave all of their effort to make her being good,and she hated them for it???