"Oh, I get those too"

I just need to rant. This happens anytime a migraine comes up. Today I was having a migraine and my neck was killing me, my eyes were aching, sensitive to light, I was super nauseous and my head was banging. I felt like death. My coworker - "You don't look so good, are you okay" and I explain to them that I have a neurological condition aka migraines and that I was having a rough day. "Oh yeah,I get those too sometimes. I usually drink some water and take some Tylenol and it goes away" Why does every person think they get migraines? If only they had any idea. It is really annoying and honestly this is why migraines don't get taken seriously in the workplace because most people think they have migraines sometimes and it's just like...Nah man, you just haven't eaten today and you got a little headache from it or some shit. And then you try to explain that migraine is neurological and not just a headache and it is like talking to a potato. I can't stand it anymore I am losing my patience lol